Math for 6 Year Olds

2 min readFeb 25, 2022


Did you know that six-year-olds are becoming mathematicians? They are learning about addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They can solve problems and understand concepts that would have been difficult for them just a year ago. With a little guidance from you, they can excel in math and build a strong foundation for future studies.

Most six-year-olds are still enjoying imaginative play. This is a great opportunity to help them develop their math skills. For example, you can ask them to count the number of pirates on the ship or the number of balls in the basket. You can also ask them to solve simple problems, such as how many candy bars there are in the jar if there are six and one-half candy bars, and three are taken away.

Six-year-olds are also developing their reading and writing skills. With your help, they can learn to read chapter books and write stories of their own. You can encourage them by reading math stories together. These stories will introduce them to math concepts and math vocabulary. They may also inspire them to become math storytellers themselves!

Six-year-olds are becoming more aware of the world around them and how it works. If you give your child a chance, she will amaze you with what she can do! With guidance from caring adults, she is developing skills that will help her become a math thinker, math doer and math talker.




Written by Brighterly


Brighterly is the home of fun math for kids. Let us reveal your child’s inner passion for numbers — we are exactly what you’ve been looking for.

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